Commands prefaced by “[0x00000000]>” or “:” are meant to be entered on the r2 cmd prompt, the latter accessed from Visual mode using “:”. Radare config file Make a sane config file: $ vim ~/.radare2rc e scr.wheel=false #turns off mouse fuckery e stack.size=114 #increases visible stack size in visual mode e stack.bytes=false #shows words on stack instead of bytes Debugging binary with STDIO/Args Rarun2 config file format for debug target: $ vim ./binary.rr2 #!/usr/bin/env rarun2 program=binary stdio=/dev/pts/# #both io to one pty stdin=/dev/pts/# #just stdin broken out stdout=/dev/pts/# #just stdout broken out arg0=”./binary” arg1=”argument 1” Terminal config for rarun2 target: $ tty /dev/pts/3 #copy this to rarun2 config above $ clear; sleep 9999999999999999999999999; Running binary with redirected STDIO via rarun2 + config: $ r2 -d rarun2 -R ./binary.rr2 Interactive Debugging Analyze binary for functions, autonaming them: [0x00000000]> aaa List found functions and imports: [0x00000000]> afl [0x00000000]> afll #long list w/more info Set breakpoint: [0x00000000]> db main [0x00000000]> db 0x400c00 [0x00000000]> db fcn.40e00d Continue Execution: [0x00000000]> dc Continue until next return: :dcr Print stack trace: :dbt Grepping output: :pd 200~test #prints next 200 disassembled instructions and searches for ‘test’ Setting lots of breakpoints: :bp $$ @@=`pd 2000~test` Visual Mode Visual mode commands will be represented by [c] where “c” is the key to press while in visual mode. Commands with “:” are entered from command mode, entered with “:” and exited with . Enter visual mode: [0x00000000]> V Cycle to debug view: [pp] Single step-into: [s] Single step-over: [S] Flag/comment/function view [_] * Type to filter for symbol/flag * to jump to address Cursor mode [toggle on/off] [c] * to Switch view between stack/registers/assembly * to set breakpoint * <;> to make a comment on current line\ * to navigate disassembly XREFs menu: [x] * Use when sought to address with XREF * Displays menu of .text/[other segment] locations which reference current seek address * Press to jump to XREF address Follow jumps/calls (inspect only, not execute): [enter] * Current seek address must be at instruction (top line of assembly in Visual mode) Rename current function: :afn funcname Rename current function’s variables: Base pointer based vars: :afvb -0x8 name type * Use -0x# to specify offset from BP Register based vars: :afvr reg name type Save project: :Ps projectName Load Project: :Po projectName Graph Mode: [V] * Must be sought to function’s first address * Use ‘hjkl’ keys to navigate * Use +/- to zoom in/out * Use , , to switch focus between blocks and follow jumps * Use

to cycle address/disassembly display * to quit graph mode Printing/Inspecting data: :pxq @ 0x7ffeff4741d8 #print hex quadwords (8-byte) at address :pxw @ 0x7ffeff4741d8 #print hex doublewords (4-byte) at address :ps @ rbp - 0x28 #print string at 32-bit pointer :pS @ [rbp - 0x8] #print string at 64-bit double pointer :pf qqS @ rsp #print data with format [quad][quad][64b String] at rsp :drr #reveal register references (telescoping) Writing Data Writing data to disk requires launching radare with the write flag [-w] supplied, and cannot be used with debugging [-d] mode. Writing to registers or memory however does not. :dr eax=rbp-0x8 #write rbp-0x8 to eax register :wx 9090 @ main+0x10 #write hex bytes @ memory address :wa test al,al #write assembly at currently sought memory address